“Obesity is Suicide” ad campaign:
Every 5th Child Obesity:
Bringing up the issue of human rights:
In the spirit of past Olympic games: “Stop the world record for executions”
Another Olympic discipline, the archery:
It does not happen here, but now!
Child soldiers in Angola and other African countries:
Smoke Free Zone:
Stop passive smoking!
Buckle Up Ads
Reserved for drunk drivers:
After 2 drinks, your attention to 76% reduced
Save your life and use hands free system!
Child abuse:
Every child needs a family:
Reach out your hand to children with autism:
An old man slain because money is not normal, but on methit is.
$ 15 for sex is not normal,but on meth it is.
So something like “an old junkie” does not exist.
the homeless, a day-to-day struggle!
People in need – a pint of beer € 4.50, 50 liters of fresh water € 1.50
Handbag € 32, – Food for one week € 4, –
Do you see how easy it is to feed children?
This protects you too!
AIDS Hockey Ad
Do not be stupid, protect yourself
Do you really aseptic hands?
If it’s not your problem, it is MINE.
So easy to get weapons in South Africa
Save fresh water ads
Use electricity wisely:
This is parking only for disabled people. For each other: THANK GOD! Yours is still a little further over there!
Video piracy kills the film industry. Purchase the original:
source : www.chilloutpoint.com