Feast of St. Agrippina di Mineo

Sant' Agrippina di Mineo was a beautiful blond princess who was unmercifully tortured to death by the emperor of Rome, Emperor Valerian in 256 AD. After her death, her body was taken from Rome to Mineo, Sicily by three holy women; Bassa, Paula, and Agatonica.

Sant' Agrippina is the patron saint of thunderstorms, leprosy and evil spirit. Her feast day is celebrated on the first weekend in August.

Vestidos de novia diferentes de Atelier Aimeé

Personalmente siempre me han encantado los vestidos de novia de Atelier Aimeé, vestidos románticos, con toques de dulzura y tanta gracia que siempre evocan la imágen de una novia de las muchas historias de amor que habremos leído alguna vez. Faldas estupendamente pensadas llenas de movimiento con detalles de color que las hacen aún más hermosas.

Los vestidos con talles perfectos, escotes elegantes y en estas 4 fascinantes propuestas de Atelier Aimeé el estilo corsé tan clásico, tan perfecto, tan favorecedor.

Un vestido de novia negro, sencillamente arrebatador para las que siempre se atreven y quieren ser diferentes. Veamos estos vestidos tan bonitos, ya me dirán cuál es el mejor para ustedes, si hay uno mejor, porque todos son fabulosos.

Via. bodahoy.com

Sorprende a tus invitados con Trébol de Chocolate

Las fuentes de chocolate, no solo son una deliciosa alegría para los paladares, sino que además causarán furor y serán un éxito asegurado en vuestra boda.

Cada vez son más los novios que quieren sorprender a sus invitados con algo original. Bajo el lema "Su satisfacción es nuestra mejor garantía", Trébol de Chocolate se distingue por ser el distribuidor oficial en Canarias de la primera compañía nacional de fuentes de chocolate, Chocolate Fondue.

Las fuentes de chocolate se han convertido en los últimos años en un éxito seguro en cualquier evento, especialmente las bodas. Trébol de Chocolate dispone de una amplia oferta: fuentes para un mínimo de 20 personas hasta un máximo de 600, en tres variedades: chocolate negro, blanco y con leche. Por supuesto, siempre acompañadas de la amplia variedad de frutas de temporada de primera calidad, galletas o barquillos.

Diego Hernández y Cathaysa Somoscarrera atribuyen el éxito de su empresa, además de a la calidad de los productos, al trato personalizado con el cliente y a la calidad humana de sus servicios. “Estar en el momento adecuado” es también fundamental para que el servicio sea impecable.

El equipo de Trébol de Chocolate permanecerá a vuestro lado a lo largo de toda la boda; se encargará del funcionamiento de la fuente, del chocolate, de las frutas y dulces, además de ayudar a vuestros invitados a que disfruten al máximo. Todo para que vuestro gran día sea perfecto.

Via: bodas.net

Preparar el ajuar de bodas

Uno de esos otros factores importantes a la hora de organizar una boda, es lo que viene justamente despues: la noche de bodas. La noche en la que los novios se encontraran por primera vez como marido y mujer tiene que ser por lo menos algo unico y especial, y como en todo, hay que prepararlo para que asi sea.

Si estas en los preparativos de tu boda no dejes para lo ultimo armar un buen ajuar para estar increible en tu noche de bodas, piensa que esa noche el debe verte como una princesa, tal y como lo hizo con tu vestido de novia, por eso prepara con anticipacion lo que luciras para la ocasion.

Hay mucho de donde elegir, dependiendo del look que queramos construir, para lucir bien sexys hay gran cantidad de conjuntos de lencería para novias, compuestos por sostenes, corsets, medias con portaligas, o inclusive baby dolls, camisones de saten que se pueden usar solo con una pequeña tanguita debajo, para que las transparencias haganlo suyo.

Para las que tengan un estilo mas naif, hay muchos conjuntos de algodon con estilos aniñados y juveniles, que tambien serviran como una gran cuota de fantasia en esa noche tan especial, ante todo recordemos que hay que estar comodas con lo que se lleva puesto, por eso es mejor comprar con tiempo, y probarlo con anticipacion.

Para calzar nada mejor que una pantuflas con tacos, algunas llevan unos apliques de plumas que son sumamente femeninos, y la altura del taco si bien es bajo, moldeara tus piernas lo suficiente como para estimularlo para tener una noche de pasion, la famosa noche de recien casados.

El ajuar no solo se compone por lo que se usa en la noche de bodas, sino tambien lo que se llevaran en las noches posteriores, y en momentos especiales, como por ejemplo, la luna de miel en el viaje de bodas, por eso lo ideal es armarlo con tiempo, ir comprando diferentes modelos que nos queden bien y guardarlos en una caja con mucho cuidado, para ir estrenandolos segun se presente la ocasion.

Via: bodaestilo.com

fashion n girls

"Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves, and of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys, they’d just walk around naked at all times."
-Betsey Johnson-

Pertama tahu ada quote kayak gini, respon keboo adalah ketawa, lalu membenarkan. Perempuan memang tidak berpakaian (atau berdandan) demi laki-laki, mereka berpakaian demi dirinya dan juga sesama perempuan. Bila perempuan berpakaian untuk laki-laki, mereka akan berkeliling telanjang sepanjang waktu.

fyuh... maaf kalo terjemahannya jelek, maklum, kemampuan bahasa Inggris pas-pasan. tapi kurang lebih seperti itulah.

Memang kadang kalo kencan, perempuan cenderung bingung mau pake apa biar bisa keliatan cantik dan menawan atau mungkin agar terkesan seksi atau kalem. See, itu sebenarnya untuk mereka, biar MEREKA terlihat inilah, itulah.. jadi bukan untuk laki-laki! Sorry boys.. hehehe (*sok feminis)...

Kalo masalah "demi sesama perempuan", ini mungkin diterapkan fashionista atau mereka yang berkemampuan mix and match pakaian. Jadi perempuan lain dapat mencontoh cara mereka berpakaian agar terlihat bagus dan gaya.

Asteroid Raksasa Hantam Bumi tahun 2182

LONDON - Asteroid raksasa diperkirakan akan menghantam bumi pada 24 September 2182. Para ahli angkasa menyatakan, Asteroid tersebut adalah 1999 RQ36.

Telegraph, Jumat (30/7/2010), melansir Tim di NASA memperkirakan benda yang
berjarak sekira 612 yard dari bumi akan memiliki kesempatan mendekat dan menghantam bumi sekira 172 tahun lagi.

Benturan bumi dengan asteroid kemungkinan juga terjadi pada 2036. Tapi tak terlalu besar.

Sementara itu, Maria Eugenia Sansaturio ahli dari Universidad de Valladolid, Spanyol, mengungkapkan ilmu pengetahuan harus segera mengantisipasi dan mendesain mekanisme sistem yang dapat meminimalisir benturan bumi dengan asteroid tahun 2182.

Asteroid yang akan menghantam bumi itu pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1999, dan memiliki besar dua kali lebih besar dari asteroid Apophis yang akan menghantam bumi 2036 tersebut.

"Konsekuensi dari tabrakan ini akan sangat besar, sebab itu kita membutuhkan penanganan sebelum tahun 2080," kata Sansaturio

Tabrakan asteroid dengan bumi pernah terjadi dan diperkirakan hal itu menyebabkan, hilangnya Dinasaurus dari bumi.


Before Sunrise (1995) [Movie]

A young man and woman meet on a train in Europe, and wind up spending one romantic evening together in Vienna. Unfortunately, both know that this will probably be their only night together.

Amazing romance! i give it 9.2/10 .. i'll watch part two (Before Sunset) soon ..

Usher - OMG

As a bad student

I never know the information all about OSPEK before, whereas all matriculants are know about that . I worried that I don’t understand anything in August 2 tomorrow, so I come to faculty of dentistry campus today. Even I know it from the mothers that take their children there. Ckckck, i’m really a bad matriculant!

Pas hari ini juga mami gw balik lagi ke Lampung. Yahh, ditinggal deh gw. Kan mami gw tuh berangkat jam 11an, jadi yah gw tungguin dong sampe jam 10an baru deh gw ke kampus buat pre-OSPEK. Dan ternyata di hari pertama gw ke kampus ini gw telat! Udah gak tau apa2, trus telat! Ehh senior2 nya ngotak bener lagi. Jadi ada mbak2 gitu deh di depan pintu, interogasi gw dgn se-jutek-jutek-nya,

“siang kali kau dtg?” (logat medan emang gitu)

“iya kak, saya gak tau tempat nya, tadi muter2 dulu.” (padahal sih emang gw telat)

“kok temen2 nya tau?”

“wah, gak tau jg deh.”

“yaudah sana masuk!”

Dan ternyata rese nya senior gak sampe situ doang. Di dalem kelas tuh berjejer senior laki2, yg gaya nya udah tengil abis!

“heh, kamu knapa?”

“maap pak, saya telat”

Trus dia melototin gw gitu deh, sambil ngelirik2 ke temen nya. Kayak nya dia gak terima gw panggil ‘pak’. Abis, tampangnya kayak udah om2 gitu sih, wajar kan kalo gw kira dia dosen. Hahhaha!

“hah, kau panggil aku apa tadi? 'Pak'?!!”

Untung gw pinter bohong, “lho kok ‘pak’? Kan tadi saya bilang ‘kak’!”

Hahaa, sukurin lo gw bohongin, padahal kan emang 'Pak' tadi. Ehh dia percaya aja lagi! Hahaha, senior apasih dia bisa dibohongin junior kayak gw? Dua kali deh senior kena! Hahhaaa. Oh iya, sebelum nya perlu kalian tau, kalo disini biasa nya manggil ‘Bang’, bukan nya ‘Kak’. Tapi yah udah terlanjur gitu, kan harus bohong. Hahaha.

“oooh, kakak! Yaudah sana kau duduk, cari tempat kosong! Memang sabtu kmaren kau gak datang ya ksini?”

"nggak kak, saya kan dari luar daerah"

"oh yaudah2"

Selebih nya cuma bla bla bla, bawa sgala macem buat OSPEK. Huahh, mau bales dendam nih senior! Masa kita disuruh bawa yg aneh2 gitu. Trus mulai pembagian kelompok, kenalan gimana2. Yah, gw setelah ngobrol2, ternyata bkn cuma gw orang luar daerah. Ada yg dari Bandung, Jakarta, Jawa, Palembang, Riau, Padang, macem2 lah. Walaupun Lampung cuma gw sendiri. trus pas senior2 itu tau gw dr Lampung, mereka agak kaget gitu.

“ooh kau dari lampung? Sendirian?”

Ihh,knapa sih heboh amat? Emang aneh yaa?
Emang parah2 deh mereka, gak tau lah apa pikirannya. Mana ngomen trus kerjaan nya, teriak2, marah2, buset pantes aja cepet tua Bang!

Temen2 baru gw, kan tau nya nama gw Dress. Yah seperti biasa, mereka langsung senyum aneh2 gitu deh, tau nama gw sama dengan nama pakaian. Hehhee, lucu ya gw!

Di kost sekarang baru berasa sendiri nya karena gak ada mami lagi. Aduuh, repot! Btw, sorry nih Bang kalo2 ada senior gw yg baca blog ini. Seenggak nya mereka tau kalo tadi udah 2x gw bohongin. Hehheee. Apakah besok mereka masih bisa gw bohongin? Hahaha, tunggu aja!

PS: ternyata senior yg gw panggil ‘Pak’ tadi adalah KETUA SENAT! Hahhaa, nah lo!

Will Cotton inspires Kate Pary to pose naked on top of candyfloss...

Yuck. But who this Will Cotton by the way? A quick google on the name leads to some fantastical paintings. Take this one in the left for example. Does it really look like painting?

The two lady are supposedly lying (without any clothes on) on the top of the cotton candy clouds. I would have thought it's merely clouds with perhaps the dusk setting. It's still a fantastic painting, though.

By the way, there's even a Wikipedia article on Will Cotton. It's said that Will Cotton is an American painter and that his work primarily features landscapes composed of sweets, often inhabited by human subjects.

American singer Katy Perry, 25, posed naked on top of candyfloss for her latest album's cover -- all in the name of art. The fiancee of British comedian, Russell Brand, collaborated with painter Will Cotton to produce the cover for her second album Teenage Dream.

"Yes, I posed naked for the album but you can't really see that much of me," said Perry, who is slated to marry Brand soon.

"I love the artwork of Will Cotton and saw one of his works that had cotton candy lying around with different kinds of women in it. It was subtle. I wanted to be in that world and decided to use that for my album's cover," said Perry, whose parents are both pastors.

The singer is in town for the MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia 2010! concert at the Sunway Lagoon Resort today.

Perry refused to talk about her personal life at the roundtable interview.

Clad in a black dress with metallic embellishments, Perry appeared friendly and joked with the local media once in a while.

"I have a lot of personality in me that I wanted to show. Sometimes, I want to be fun, quirky, weird and all," Perry said.

The California-born was just a girl next door who grew up listening to gospel songs and singing in church when she was 10. Today, she has sold more than five million copies of her debut album, One of the Boys, which contains hits like I Kissed a Girl, Hot n Cold, Thinking of You and Waking Up in Vegas.

Teenage Dream will be released on Aug 30. Perry wrote all the songs in this album and collaborated with rapper Snoop Dogg in the first single, California Gurls. The single reached No. 1 on the Billboard Digital Songs and topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

"I collaborated with other composers, too, in writing songs. I think the lyrics are really important because those are the things that end up on T-shirts. They need to be memorable," said Perry.

"But it doesn't mean that I make the best songs even though I composed them myself."

Teenage Dream was inspired by Perry's life in her hometown, Santa Barbara, California. "I can't run from where I came from, nobody can."

Other songs include The One that Got Away, Peacock, Firework and Who Am I Living For.

"My parents haven't heard my new album yet. I'm sure they are going to grunt when they hear Peacock," said Perry, who hopes to move her fans emotionally and physically through her new album.

"When I was touring, I wanted people to dance more. So I wrote an album that made people move, yet didn't sacrifice the story substance that I had on the last record," said the two-time Grammy-nominated singer.

After here, Perry will be performing in Singapore's SINGFest on Tuesday.

From Asiaone, "Katy: I was indeed naked".

Attention Kmart Android Tablet Shoppers!


Augen Gentouch 7 inch Android tablet has gone viral since I last saw it on a Kmart flyer.  Yes folks Kmart, like yung suking bilihan ng brief ni Rex Navarette.  Tuesday morning sugod agad ako sa local Kmart namin, wala pa daw shipment.  Friday go ulet ako, hinagpis ng pitong kubang geek, wala na, ubos na, sold out! Get na lang ako ng raincheck.  I think nadale ng Augen ang price point na hit sa mga geek, isang Benjamin at tampwe.  Maski na me negative reviews eh oks lang paglaruan, to get your finger wet este feet pala sa Android experience.  

Sa $150.00 plus tax heto ang mapapala mo: 
800x480 color TFT touch panel screen, CPU: 800 Mhz, Ram: DDR2 256mb, Internal Memory: 2GB, Expansion Slots: SD/MMC card slot up to 16GB, Wi-Fi Connectivity with Full Web Browsing Capability, Supports Ebook Formats: Text, PDF, E-PUB, HTML, Supports Media Formats: MP3, WMA, FLAC, AAC, Picture Viewer in JPEG, BMP,  Video Player. 


Fabulosa Lenceria invierno 2010

Lenceria realmente fabulosa la que Joge nos propone para el próximo invierno 2010, y no se piensen que porque los días serán entonces fríos debamos de llenarnos de lenceria abrigadora, con estas prendas no se necesitará ni siquiera el prender la chimenea o poner el aire caliente de la alcoba, porque son tremendamente sexys las piezas de lenceria de joge invierno 2010.

En perfectas combinaciones de color, las bragas más seductoras y los sujetadores más favorecedores, ya cómodos para el diario vestir que para una noche romántica con ese hombre que amas, muchos detalles que resultan en prendas realmente ya les digo, fantásticas. Todas son bonitas piezas de lenceria con el más chic estilo para la ropa íntima.

What To Do In A Zombie Attack

Oh yes, do check out this 'educational' clip, "What To Do In A Zombie Attack". So far almost 1,9 million viewers have benefited. Heh.

OMG - One Moment of Glory

I really can't tell how different this talent show, "One Moment of Glory" will be compared to another competition, "America's Got Talent". We just have to wait and see...

Featuring ten contestants ranging from fire-eating magicians, singers and even pole dancers, Channel 5's brand new talent show "One Moment of Glory" (OMG) promises to light up the screen when it debuts in August.

"One Moment of Glory" will be hosted by Gurmit Singh and Michelle Chong and presided over by celebrity judges Irene Ang and Mark "The Flying Dutchman" van Cuylenburg.

Various celebrities such as actresses Jeanette Aw and Beatrice Chia will also appear as special guest judges over the course of the show.

However, the main draw of the show will not be the celebrity judges or the performers, but the 'challenger' mechanic that will constantly threaten contestants with elimination.

Unlike previous talent shows where audiences only get to vote to determine the winner, OMG will invite the public to enter the fray as the show progresses.

Members of the public can send videos of themselves showing off their talents to the show's organisers.

If they are shortlisted, they will be invited to get on the show from the second episode onwards to challenge any of the contestants for one of the eight berths that will qualify them for a shot at the S$50,000 grand prize.

If the challenger wins, he replaces the original contestant and takes over his spot in the eight. Of course, he will then have to defend his own position from other challengers that will turn up.

The number of berths will gradually reduce from eight to five and then four to one as the competition progresses, with only the top performer walking away with the prize, causing the competition to heat up exponentially as the weeks go by.

When asked about the 'challenger' mechanic, Chong said that it will add a lot of excitement to the show and recounted how glory can be fleeting.

"There was one contestant. He was in and out in the same episode. It was really just one moment of glory," Chong recounted.

"You never know how long you'll be on the podium," added Singh sympathetically.

Celebrity judge van Cuylenburg was overjoyed for the chance to preside over the contest and felt that allowing the public to join in the fun was a welcome change from the way talent competitions are usually run.

"I finally get to do what (acid-tongued radio DJ) Glenn Ong does every morning. Judge people," said van Cuylenburg excitedly. "If you always watch these TV shows and go 'I can do better', now is the time to bring it on!"

"I want to see people who are willing to go the extra mile and develop as the weeks go on. Show me that hunger, show me that want to improve, and I'll try my best to keep you in," he added.

"One Moment of Glory" debuts at 8pm, August 9 on Channel 5 with subsequent episodes airing every Wednesday at 8pm.

From Channel NewsAsia, "OMG! Here comes a new challenger!".

NEA Litter Munchers nom nom nom your trash!!

Check out the comical clip, "Attack of the Litter Munchers". I like the analysis part: Litterbug Youth with Composition of Responsibility 0%, Friendliness 0%, and...Littering 100%. Lol. Well done, NEA.

THE National Environment Agency is putting a new spin on litter bins as part of a nationwide campaign to curb littering.

Called litter munchers, these litterbins have been embellished to help engage youths to take ownership to keep their surrounding environment clean.

The litter munchers initiative underpins NEA's targeted public outreach and education efforts to change littering behaviour in Singapore.

In a one-year sociological study by NEA which interviewed 1,500 students, 69 per cent admitted to littering and 23 per cent even said nothing will stop them from littering.

These youths also played down the impact of littering on the environment with some reasoning that littering provides cleaners with jobs.

In addition, the study showed that more than 78 per cent of those aged 17 and above expect the Government to be responsible for keeping public areas clean.

These make the youths a key target group for NEA's thrust to instil a stronger sense of ownership of public places and to promote an anti-littering behaviour.

'The little munchers initiative is part of NEA's efforts to reach out to young Singaporeans to impress upon them the right social behaviours in a fun and amusing way. It complements the punitive approach we take towards litterbugs,' said NEA CEO Andrew Tan.

The litter munchers will also be incorporated into a skit to deliver the anti-littering messages in all primary and secondary schools.

There is also an interactive website www.littermunchers.com.sg, to engage wired youths through contests such as 'Vote for Your Favourite Muncher', 'Bin Bin Game' and 'Design Your Own Litter Muncher'. In addition, youths can download cut-outs to create their personal muncher.

NEA has also roped in local celebrity Edmund Chen as its first cleanliness ambassador.

From Straits Times, "NEA unveils litter munchers".

Pinoy Cell Phone Charging Station


Simpleng cell phone charging station ni Mang Gyver.  Isang bote ng Coke, gunting, snip-snip, ayan hindi na pakalatkalat ang charger at cell mo.

Nih Cewek Clubbing yang ga bisa Nahan Pipis

cewek kencing berdiri

Velvet Bar (Bar of the Jakarta's Hotel Red Top) Pecenongan

Velvet means purple

Velvet, Hotel Redtop
Jl. Pecenongan No.72
Central Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone number: 62-21 350 0077
Fax: 62-21 350 0055
Toll Free: 0 800 1402 909
Email: iin@redtophotel. com

Top Gun Blok M ( Live Music & Billiard )

Contact details:Top Gun Blok M Jakarta
Jl. Falatehan I no. 32-33, Blok M
Tel : (62-21) 739-5436

The Sexy Woman ( Ratu Felisha )

Kumpulan Foto Maria Ozawa Aka ( Maria Orang Zawa asli ) hehheheheh