Parents do thy duty: don't run away (when you witness outrageous PDA-s)

This 'extreme' act of PDA (public display of affection)happened at Ubi Avenue 1 at the park/garden in front of block 322. The vigilant--some may argue, 'voyeuristic'--Stomper contributed the story at "Young couple makes out in neighbourhood park with kids playing nearby".

Reading how the reaction of the people who watched--told you 'voyeouristic'!--which were mostly disbelief, disgust, act of shaking their heads--the parents', not the couple's, and fleeing away with the kids, makes me feel so disappointed.

If you voyeouristic self-righteous watchers really want to give the right message to your kids, you should have stopped the couple from making out. And not just running away. As if you're apologetic that you have somehow interrupted their PDA. Sigh.

PS. the above photo is from the same article. Cropped & touched up 'brightness & contrast'.