Check out the comical clip, "Attack of the Litter Munchers". I like the analysis part: Litterbug Youth with Composition of Responsibility 0%, Friendliness 0%, and...Littering 100%. Lol. Well done, NEA.
THE National Environment Agency is putting a new spin on litter bins as part of a nationwide campaign to curb littering.
Called litter munchers, these litterbins have been embellished to help engage youths to take ownership to keep their surrounding environment clean.
The litter munchers initiative underpins NEA's targeted public outreach and education efforts to change littering behaviour in Singapore.
In a one-year sociological study by NEA which interviewed 1,500 students, 69 per cent admitted to littering and 23 per cent even said nothing will stop them from littering.
These youths also played down the impact of littering on the environment with some reasoning that littering provides cleaners with jobs.
In addition, the study showed that more than 78 per cent of those aged 17 and above expect the Government to be responsible for keeping public areas clean.
These make the youths a key target group for NEA's thrust to instil a stronger sense of ownership of public places and to promote an anti-littering behaviour.
'The little munchers initiative is part of NEA's efforts to reach out to young Singaporeans to impress upon them the right social behaviours in a fun and amusing way. It complements the punitive approach we take towards litterbugs,' said NEA CEO Andrew Tan.
The litter munchers will also be incorporated into a skit to deliver the anti-littering messages in all primary and secondary schools.
There is also an interactive website www.littermunchers.com.sg, to engage wired youths through contests such as 'Vote for Your Favourite Muncher', 'Bin Bin Game' and 'Design Your Own Litter Muncher'. In addition, youths can download cut-outs to create their personal muncher.
NEA has also roped in local celebrity Edmund Chen as its first cleanliness ambassador.
From Straits Times, "NEA unveils litter munchers".