China Titanium, the company formerly known as Jade Tech

Juliet once exclaimed--dramatically, you know how it is with such a character--: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Jade Technologies Holdings apparently disagree. Titanium for sure does not smell as sweet as 'Jade', I guess. The company is proposing to change its name to China Titanium. It's last traded at 1.5 cents. Titanium has never been so

Not vested. Ever.

Catalist-listed Jade Technologies Holdings has proposed changing its name to China Titanium.

In a stock exchange filing, the firm's board of directors said the name change is "to reflect the new focus on the company's new business activities."

The former chip maker has turned to distributing titanium dioxide in China and has divested its loss-making businesses, including a coalmine in Indonesia last year.

Last November, it reported its first full-year profit of RMB12.4 million for 2010 after nine years of losses.

The proposed name change has received approval from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority and the proposed name has been reserved by the company until February 18 next year, the company said.

The proposal will be subject to shareholder approval via a special resolution at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to be convened.

The company said it will release further information on the proposal and the notice to the EGM in due course.

From Channel NewsAsia, "Jade Tech proposes name change".