I've just realized that I have bought 3 beers from Changi Airport duty free shop some time in year 2007. It's 2 years back. And even though the beer is labeled 'Tiger Beer Classic Special Edition' (nice design of the can, huh?), the usual rule of 'best consumed within 6 months of the brewed date' still, unfortunately, applies.
Pity. I tried to console myself by gulping down those expired beers. Nah, just kidding. I tried to feel better by googling about 'tiger beer classic special edition', just to find out more about the beer.
This one site beeradvocate.com has two reviews about the beer:
1. Not good. Sweet and sticky malts. Little hops or bitterness to speak of, pretty bad, i haven’t had regular Tiger in a while, but it would probably be better than this. Not particularly special in anyway over the regualt Tiger, this is just more concentrated with atocuh more alcohol.
2. A Singaporean student brought back a three-pack of cans from Singapore for me. He says this is not the same as the standard Tiger Beer, but the taste is not far off. The 330ml gold can reads "Classic Special Edition" in big red lettering. The abv is stated to be 5.5% and "DFS" (?) is marked on the top.
The beer is a slightly orange-ish gold and clear as day. The foamy head is dense and off-white. Aroma is nutty and sweet. The sweetness shows up in the slightly strange-tasting front. The middle is just a little fruity, leading to a bitter, but sugary finish. Obvious alcohol betrays this as possibly the "strong" version of regular Tiger Beer.
There aren't really enough good beer flavors going on here. Just straight sugar + uninteresting bitterness. (Some nuts, too, to be fair). It's kind of like drinking with a cold.
I ought to feel better after reading the negative reviews on 'Tiger Beer Classic Special Edition'. But somehow I didn't. I love my Tiger Beer! (No, again, I am not vested in Asia Pacific Brewery shares!!)
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