Huwweeq!! Buang, muntahin ajh pikiran kyq gt,, dress!! Biarin dy b’senang-senang.. Peduli setan ajh lah llo.. Drpd sakidt ndiri mikirin yg nggk2” ?? Jgn tlalu lemah, jgn tlalu bodoh jd wanita itu!! Byk yg bisa dkerjaen slaen ngabisin waktu llo sama dy..
Biarin ajh dy bangga dg 2, dan atau 3 kali 8 nyah!! (yg gk ngerti diem ajh).. Biarin dy bangga dg rumah baru nyah, dg kota indah nyah!! Dan ngelupain asal usul nya dy.. Biarin dy bangga dg profesi baru nyah, dan qlo inget ajh baru kadang2” kembali ke masa lalu. Memangnya qt rugi?? Oowh, sori ajh iiah!! Apapun yg dy kerjakan, gk ada hubungannya sama gw!! Tolong dicatet yg itu..
Qlo pun gw msh ada dlm otak nya, truz ap untungnya gt?? Ngasih harapan buat ketemu lg?? Nggk, gw gk sudi!! Dy sndiri yg milih masuk ke tmt itu, tp gw gk mao ikut2”an!! Pilihan gw bukan tmt jelek kyq gt!! Makasih ajh, gw gk bakal mao duduk disitu, qlo cuma buat ngeliat llo.. Buadt apah coba??
Yaelahh, biar aj lah dy berkreasi dg status nya.. Apa sih penting nya?? Peringkat teratas dlm file gw tuh bisa slalu brubah.. Jd gk usah bangga dg apa yg udh llo dpt! Bisa nongkrong di daerah gw ajh, udh blagu gt?? Ihh, you are so fuck, you know!!
When I was child, maybe I think this person is perfect! But, I’ve got a lot of friends now, who have different culture, attitude, and character. So, I can tell it to everybody about this situation. I can feel something that I cannot feel before. I can compare everyone whom I met. Because I have many collection of people!! I know what is the different now is. Between you and the other person.
Don’t be proud of your rank. Because it can change if you fly to the sky, and forget the person below you. You know what I mean, right?? And it’s not a joke.. I can reveal it into the reality. So, just wait and see whatever in the future..