Comedian Godfrey decided to join the daily grind of celebrity blogging via his official myspace.

Godfrey marked his mood as 'handsome' and he titled his blog as 'first time'.

Check out what he had to say earlier today:

yo, this is my first blog! ive never blogged before! can you believe that shit!
i feel lke a straight jack ass! well; i hope this is worth it! so let everyone
know that GODFREY is the fuckin blog house!!

Just in case the blog disappears from myspace, here's the snapshot:

Shall we anticipated MORE blogs from Godfrey in the future?

UPDATE: Godfrey blogged about the current writer's strike.

writer’s strike
so the writer's strike is still going on because mutha
bitches are still being greedy!! when i was in LA and, first saw them
protesting, i was like DAMN!! where r the black writers! or asian? or latino? i
should have gotten a group of us and formed our own protest right next to them
and shouted "where the hell r we! where the hell r we!! no wonder television for
minorities is so fucked up!!

Chi-Chi's note: excuse the profanity!

[feels good 2 b home]